Saturday, March 20, 2021

SOC 436 Full Course Discussions GCU

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SOC 436 Full Course Discussions GCU

SOC 436 Topic 1 Discussion Question 1

Review the latest Census data ( related to educational attainment, race/ethnicity, gender, and class. What conclusions can you draw about intersectionality, from what you find? Does everyone have an equal opportunity to further their education? If not, what social structures are in place to affect opportunity?

SOC 436 Topic 1 Discussion Question 2

Research mental health disparities in your home state and identify any intersectionality you may find with class and ethnicity/race. What programs or policies are in place to minimize the disparity?

SOC 436 Topic 2 Discussion Question 1

Which stratification principle (race, gender, class) has the greatest power? Explain and support your answer with research.

SOC 436 Topic 2 Discussion Question 2

Identify an issue related to voter turnout in the United States and how it contributes to stratification. Support your answer with peer reviewed journal articles. What strategies could be implemented to increase voter turnout in an effort to impact current political inequality? Explain. 

SOC 436 Topic 3 Discussion Question 1

In American society, what would happen if all of the wealth were equally distributed among its citizens? How would this equal economic distribution affect education, healthcare, jobs? Defend your answer. 

SOC 436 Topic 3 Discussion Question 2

List three consequences to the affordable housing crisis and identify at least one social problem related.

SOC 436 Topic 4 Discussion Question 1

Compare and contrast functionalist theory and conflict theory in their approaches to understanding race-related issues in the United States.

SOC 436 Topic 4 Discussion Question 2

Explain how institutionalized racism differs from interpersonal racism (racism occurring between two individuals who are of equal power) and how it operates despite being illegal.

SOC 436 Topic 5 Discussion Question 1

Describe the difference between racial stigma and racial stereotyping. Provide an example of each. How do these practices contribute to racial tension in our society? Explain.

SOC 436 Topic 5 Discussion Question 2

Identify your position on affirmative action explaining through your personal alignment with a theoretical perspective. Provide an example of where you see this occurring. Where and how is affirmative action demonstrated in your work setting, school setting, and community?

SOC 436 Topic 6 Discussion Question 1

Examine the gender wage gap in Table 11.3 on page 344 of the textbook. Identify three contributing factors to the changes noted and three contributing factors to this continued practice. How can it be rectified? Explain.

SOC 436 Topic 6 Discussion Question 2

How do gender stereotypes contribute to occupational concentration as seen in Table 11.2 on page 340 of the textbook? What do you think has contributed to the change over time?

SOC 436 Topic 7 Discussion Question 1

How does the media (films, music, politics, TV programming, etc. – pick one to highlight) contribute to the perpetuation of gender inequality? Support your answer.

SOC 436 Topic 7 Discussion Question 2

Do you think it is important for parents to discuss gender roles with their young children? Explain your answer.

SOC 436 Topic 8 Discussion Question 1

What patterns of unequal educational opportunities and outcomes can you identify based on current policy in your state? Consider marginalized communities such as English language learners, students with disabilities, or immigrant youth in your response.

SOC 436 Topic 8 Discussion Question 2

How would you address systemic educational inequality between private and public school districts? Identify current state and/or national policies that contribute to the inequalities.


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