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BIB 106 Full Course Discussions GCU
BIB 106 Topic 1 Discussion 1
Just as physical habits such as diet, exercise, and sleep shape
our bodies, there are habits that shape our souls. How might a regular habit of
reading God’s inspired Word, the Bible, shape your thoughts, attitudes, and
BIB 106 Topic 1 Discussion 2
Chapter 1 of the Arnold and Beyer textbook (2015) has a section
entitled “Hermeneutics: How Do We Interpret the Bible?” Consider its
subsection, “Understand the Context.” Why is knowing the context of a passage
key to interpreting it? Discuss a specific example from the Bible where knowing
the context of a passage might help in understanding what the passage means.
BIB 106 Topic 2 Discussion 1
Several important assumptions about the world we live in are
introduced in the creation accounts (Genesis 1-2). In your opinion, which of
these foundational assumptions are the most far-reaching and important to you
as a follower of Jesus? How might one of these foundational assumptions be used
for personal counseling and growth, and how might one of them be used for
counseling someone who is discouraged?
BIB 106 Topic 2 Discussion 2
Several important theological concepts are introduced in Genesis
1-11 including the nature of creation and the nature of humanity. In Genesis 1
God declares that his creation is “good” multiple times, and after the creation
of humanity, God declares that what he has made is “very good.” How does the
fall of Adam and Eve into sin affect both the nature of creation and the nature
of humanity?
BIB 106 Topic 3 Discussion 1
At the burning bush the Lord reveals himself to Moses by the
name “I Am.” What are the implications of this name for Moses at that specific
time, and how does this revelation apply to you and your ministry today?
BIB 106 Topic 3 Discussion 2
What was the purpose and function of the Sinai Covenant
(sometimes referred to as the Law) within the life of Israel? What is the
significance of the Law within the life of a Christian today?
BIB 106 Topic 4 Discussion 1
How might you appropriately use the principles learned from
Joshua and Judges about God’s deliverance from enemies to minister to people
who are facing “enemies” of various kinds today?
BIB 106 Topic 4 Discussion 2
How might you appropriately use the principles learned from
Joshua and Judges about God’s deliverance from enemies to minister to people
who are facing “enemies” of various kinds today?
BIB 106 Topic 5 Discussion 1
The fear of the Lord is the major theme of the Wisdom
literature. How do the Wisdom books describe the fear of the Lord (give an
example and verses from Job, Proverbs, or Ecclesiastes)? Give a concrete
example in the church or in your life where the fear of the Lord is evident and
impacts others. Alternatively, give an instance where the fear of the Lord is
absent, and its effects.
BIB 106 Topic 5 Discussion 2
How are David and Saul compared and contrasted? Give specific
examples found within 1 Samuel 9-31.
BIB 106 Topic 6 Discussion 1
The prophets served a vital role in the life of the people of
Israel. What was a primary purpose and function of the prophets? Select a
passage from one of the prophets pertinent to the life of the church and to
your own spiritual life. Discuss how the message calls you and the church to a
certain attitude or action. Include your response to this challenge.
BIB 106 Topic 6 Discussion 2
Compare the law of the king found in Deuteronomy 17:14-20 to the
life of Solomon found in 1 Kings 1-11. How did Solomon’s life compare to the
requirements of the king in the law of the king?
BIB 106 Topic 7 Discussion 1
Think of an example of a person or persons remaining faithful to
God during the exile. How might we use their example and the lessons of God’s
provision to encourage someone today who is struggling against the pressures of
the world to compromise his or her integrity?
BIB 106 Topic 7 Discussion 2
What religious and social challenges did the Jews face in exile,
and how did these hinder them from trusting in God’s faithfulness and living
according to the Mosaic Covenant?
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